Wednesday, August 29, 2012

မေလးရွား ဘဂၤလီမ်ား ရခုုိင္ဆုုိင္ ဝင္ဖ်က္သည့္ ဓါတ္ပုုံသတင္း

50 Bengalis raided and destroyed Myanmar Ooyin Restaurant in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

photo-D-nwe oo
photo-D-nwe oo
Myanmar Ooyin Restaurant in Kuala Lumpur downtown was vandalized and destroyed by 50 Bengalis. They raided the restaurant and wrecked the properties and destroyed everything. It was happened at 5:00 PM 03.08.2012.

U Saw Aung
who is the owner of Myanmar Ooyin told that Terrorists Bengalis beat to those who look like Rakhine on the road. And he added that Rakhines who got threaten and beaten by Bengalis fled to his restaurant.

After knowing that
Myanmar Ooyin is Rakhine Restaurant, Bengalis Terrorists obliterate everything in the restaurants; tables, goods and others.

There was estimated about 50 Bengalis who commit the crime and the police report was made. And 8 of them are arrested by Dang Wangi Police and detained. The left are escaped.

The police are in the process of to get statement from those Bengalis who pretend as Rohingyas. Who are controlling them and who they are link with: are questioning. And they will be charge effectively.

“We have plans to cooperate with Rakhine Organization in Malaysia to prohibit or defend like this terrorist action not to happen again.” He told. Due to this situation,
Myanmar Ooyin (Myanmar Garden) Restaurant is closed temporarily.
photo-D-nwe oo
photo-D-nwe oo
photo-D-nwe oo
photo-D-nwe oo
photo-D-nwe oo
photo-D-nwe oo3-8-21012 ေန႕ တြင္ မေလးရွားႏိုင္ငံ ျမန္မာ့ဥယ်ာဥ္စားေသာက္ဆိုင္အား ရိုဟင္ဂ်ာအမည္ပါအက်ီ ၤမ်ား၀တ္ဆင္လွ်က္ ္၀င္ေရာက္ဖ်က္ဆီးခဲ့စဥ္ စီစီတီဗီ ကင္မရာမွ မွတ္တမ္းတင္ထားခဲ့ေသာ ပံုရိပ္မ်ား

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