I am pleased to inform you that this evening, we successfully completed the Freedom Vigil in Toronto to honour Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and commemorate her 65th birthday.
The Government of Canada sent the statement (signed by Foreign Minister) to the Vigil as well as a statement from His Holiness the Dalai Lama office.
Please see below for the message from Canada's Foreign Minister and attached file for the statement from the Dalai Lama.
Thansk for your support.
"Today, June 17, is a day of celebration, but also of deep sadness. We are joined together to commemorate the birthday of Aung Sang Suu Kyi, inspired by her courage, her ideals, and her steadfast determination to achieve a better life for the Burmese people.
Canadians are joining hands today in Toronto, but we are bound across our land by our common values of humanity.
Canadians are gathered today in a shared struggle with the people of Burma. Daw Su is a Canadian in spirit. Daw Su is also one of only a few individuals bestowed Honourary Citizenship in recognition of her vision of justice and freedom and to reflect the close identification of Canadians with the cause of the Burmese people in their struggle for democracy.
Today we reaffirm our commitment to carry our collective struggle forward. The Government of Canada will do its part to ensure that Canadian actions match our words in helping Aung San Su Kyi realize her dream. To this end, Canada has imposed the toughest sanctions in the world on Burma's military regime.
The promotion and protection of human rights is an integral part of Canadian foreign policy. We continue to call on the Burmese regime to respect freedom, democracy, human rights and the rule of law."
The Hon Lawrence Cannon
Minister of Foreign Affairs
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