ႏုုိင္ငံကေတာ့ ဘုုတ္နဲ႔ လာတ့ဲသူေတြ ဗီဇာ ပါ မလာရင္ သူတိုု႔ နုုိင္ငံရဲ႕
ေျမေပၚ ေျခခ်ခြင့္ လံုုး၀ မေပးေတာ့ဘူးလိုု႔ အတိအက် ဥပေဒ ထုုတ္လိုုက္ပါျပီ၊
အဲဒီဘုုတ္ထဲက လူေတြကိုု ကမ္းကိုု
ကပ္ခြင့္ေတာင္ ျပဳမွာ မဟုုတ္သလိုု Papua New Guinea ေနရာ ပိုု႔ပစ္မယ္လိုု႔
ေျပာပါတယ္... အဲဒီမွာ လိုုအပ္တာေတြကိုု စစ္ေဆးျပီး ဒုုကၡသည္အျဖစ္
အက်ဴး၀င္ရင္၊ အသိအမွတ္ျပဳရင္ အဲဒီေနရာမွာဘဲ Camp လုုပ္ျပီးထားမယ္လိုု႔
ဆိုုပါတယ္.....အဲ အက်ဴးမ၀င္ခ့ဲရင္တယ္ မႈရင္းနိုုင္ငံကိုု တစ္ခါတည္း
ျပန္ပိုု႔မယ္လိုု႔ ဆိုုပါတယ္..... သူတုု႔ိ ေရးထားတာ ေျပာထားတာ ေတာ္ေတာ္
ၾကမ္းပါတယ္... သူတိုု႔ လ၀က ကတင္ထားတ့ဲ ဆိုုက္မွာ သြားဖတ္ၾကည့္လိုုက္ပါ...
If you come here by boat without a visa you won't be settled in Australia.
Australia's migration policy has changed. From 19 July 2013 if you travel to Australia by boat with no visa, you will not be settled here. You will be sent to Papua New Guinea for processing. If found to be a refugee, you'll be settled in Papua New Guinea, or another participating regional state, not Australia. This includes women and children. These changes have been introduced to stop people smugglers and stop further loss of life at sea.
If you are not found to be in need of protection, you will stay in Papua New Guinea until you can be sent to your home country.
There will be no cap on the number of people who can be transferred or resettled in Papua New Guinea.
Don't risk your family's safety. Don't waste your money.
Don't risk your life or waste your time or money by paying people smugglers. If you pay a people smuggler you are buying a ticket to another country.
Arriving in Australia by boat means:
being sent straight to Papua New Guinea for processing
being settled in Papua New Guinea, not Australia, even if you are found to be a refugee
not being reunited with family and friends in Australia. humanitarian/novisa/
If you come here by boat without a visa you won't be settled in Australia.
Australia's migration policy has changed. From 19 July 2013 if you travel to Australia by boat with no visa, you will not be settled here. You will be sent to Papua New Guinea for processing. If found to be a refugee, you'll be settled in Papua New Guinea, or another participating regional state, not Australia. This includes women and children. These changes have been introduced to stop people smugglers and stop further loss of life at sea.
If you are not found to be in need of protection, you will stay in Papua New Guinea until you can be sent to your home country.
There will be no cap on the number of people who can be transferred or resettled in Papua New Guinea.
Don't risk your family's safety. Don't waste your money.
Don't risk your life or waste your time or money by paying people smugglers. If you pay a people smuggler you are buying a ticket to another country.
Arriving in Australia by boat means:
being sent straight to Papua New Guinea for processing
being settled in Papua New Guinea, not Australia, even if you are found to be a refugee
not being reunited with family and friends in Australia.
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